Branch 90th Anniversary
Throughout 2019, we celebrated 90 years of Scottish Country Dancing in Dunfermline – find out more below!
90th Anniversary Book
Due to demand we sold out of our original supply, however we’re pleased to announce that both our book and CD are currently in stock! Featuring 16 new dances and accompanying tunes, our 90th book is a great value purchase for any dancer. Pick up the accompanying CD by Frank Thompson and his band to enjoy fantastic tunes both for dancing and listening!
You can also find cribs and diagrams for our book on the Scottish Country Dance Database.
Throughout 2019, we held and participated in a variety of events to celebrate our 90th Anniversary. This included:
90th Anniversary Dances Teach-In
A class held in January to teach some of our 90th Anniversary Dances ahead of our anniversary year commencing
Civic Reception hosted by the Lord Provost of Fife
Representatives from the Branch were invited in April to attend a civic reception in Kirkcaldy hosted by James Leishman, Lord Provost of Fife.

90th Anniversary Ball
A special event held in May in the Glen Pavilion, dancing to Frank Thomson and his band

Summer Dances
Three Summer Dances, held in St Ninian’s Church Hall, dancing to Colin Dewar, Luke Brady and Alan Ross.
The Dunfermline Ball
Our annual celebration in December, held in the Glen Pavilion and in 2019 dancing to James Coutts and his band