Class Dances
Class dances are held at the end of the winter and spring teaching terms. The programme for the class dance includes dances that have been taught to the beginners/improvers class and the general class over the preceding term. The St Andrews Night dance is held on the last Monday in November and the spring dance occupies the last Monday in March slot.
Details for each dance are posted to the “dance news” page well in advance.
Following our change of venue in October 2024, we have room for a few more sets at our class dances and look forward to inviting our friends from surrounding areas. If you are not a regular class attendee, please email to check that tickets are available before attending. We don’t ask for payment in advance, but we do need to know numbers for catering purposes. Don’t forget to bring your own cup for tea or coffee!

Spring Party 2024
COVID: The COVID virus is still out there – please do not attend classes or events if you feel unwell.
Abbeyview Community Hub, Abbeyview, Dunfermline, KY11 4HA
Note that the new Community Hub is just to the south of the old community centre site at the Duncan Crescent end of Abbeyview.